That is technically a self-portrait. However, *I* can't even tell where the fuck my reflection is. I think it might be one of the tiny black specks on the bean. I wanted to do the thumbs-up-deformed-reflection thing, but it actually didn't work at all :[
That's actually the back side of Cloud Gate. If you come in from the front, it actually sits atop this giant tourist trap with gift shops, a cafe, and restrooms. I thought it looked better from this POV, though, partly cuz on the other side there were about a billion tourists crowded around. Also, from the other side it wasn't as easy to get a nice shot that framed the city as well.
I walked through the bean, too. I have to say, the underside is seriously disconcerting. It's very concave, with a circular ... I don't know, recess/indentation in the very center. The effect was like there was a hole in the middle, except it wasn't a hole, it was another distorted reflection. It felt like walking through a black hole o_O I seriously had a moment of vertigo when I was looking up and walking through it!
After the Bean, I went to Crown Fountain. The water wasn't spraying, but the giant faces were still there. It's hard to exaggerate how fucking creepy this thing is *LOL* I happened to take the pic right as the face grinned, but for most of the time they just stare blankly out at you, blinking every few seconds. It was ... yeaaaah. It was creepy.

Just one more pic from Grant Park -- this is looking south from Crown Fountain:

After that, I hopped into the car and went to Bronzeville. I have to say, I take back what I said earlier about not being able to tell good areas from bad in Chicago. Bronzeville is officially a Bad Area. There were crumbling tenements everywhere, along with condemned buildings, old overpasses, and empty lots. I only took maybe 3-4 pictures there, and they're pretty tame pics tbh, but that's mainly because I was literally afraid to take pics of the really shady-looking areas. It was getting dark, and I didn't want to get shot *LMAO*
This is really the only pic of Bville I got that even looks remotely as scary as it was:

And you can't even see the details. Like how rusted that ... bridge thing is. And how cracked and falling-apart the wall is. I love how that grocery store is called Saveway though. Like Safeway, only ghetto!
Then it was time to come back downtown. This is yet another attempt at the city-rising-out-of-distance picture, but alas by the time I could stop and take a pic the best view (of the whole skyline) was already past:

And here's two pictures going north on Mag Mile. They're SLIGHTLY clearer than the ones I got the first night, possibly because there was a bit more ambient light so the glitz of the lights didn't totally blind my poor little cellphone cam:

And there ended my second day of insane pic taking! Only a few more pics left from the last day, which I'll post next :]
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